Thursday, November 04, 2004

Respect my Discount Electronics!

Nice day, although the jet lag is killing me! We started off witha trip to the a japanese garden. Very serene, with Koi and black oak trees. We saw a wedding couple getting photographed and I snuck off a snapshot. They were in what looked like traditional dress and were quite the dashing newlyweds. After that, Robert and I walked to Akihabara, the discount electronics district of Tokyo. While roaming around the streets and alleyways we saw a couple of interesting things. First was a videogame promotion that had models dressed up like characters from the game. Camoflague short-shorts? Uploading pictures soon! Then, when I was standing on the street looking at a display of USB hubs, something really strange happened. A guy comes up to me with a paperback book folded open. He is pointing to a picture and saying something. At first I worry that it is Japanese, but it doesn't SOUND like Japanese. Finally, I look carefully at the picture and do my best to process his demented warblings. He is pointing to a picture of Eric Cartman and saying "respect my authority!" Heh, okayyyyyy. So I say "South Park!", hoping that would end the enounter. Fat chance. He proceeded to go through all the south park characters, pointing to them in the book, and doing a very loud impression of them and then looking at me for approval. They were all there: Mr Hanky included. Robert picked up a new notebook computer for his wife, and we took off.


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